To my left is the big grey edifice of the building where my client resides. To my right the skeletal structure of a building still in the throes of being born. In front of me, down the hill on the freeway, a thousand thousand metal beasts jockeying for position. Why does their postion mean so much to them since they are all in the same jam going at the same pace? It is the same with life. We all push and pull only to find that we are the same as all the others. We have slight variations in theme and appearance, but when you strip back everything, there we are, naked and the same.
On the footpath next to me an Italiam mama wobbles held upright by the handcart she pushes in front of her. Her face wizened and crevassed by the rampaging years. What events and happenings have passed before those clouding eyes?
As she struggles toward her unknown destination a looming figure rises behind her. A businessman scowls down from his height at this woman in his way. His belly hangs over the front of his belt like a muffin over its paper wrapper. Plump and on the edge of obesity he cares little for her plight nor her experiences in life. Probably, she could teach him much were he humble enough to listen. But no, in this fraction of time, he veers around her missing out on the opportunity of expanding his horizons. The opportunity is forever lost.
Do we grab hold of opportunites that are before us? Do we see them as opportunities? Or are we so caught up in the jam busy jockeying for position to see them for what they really are? They may seem inconsequential, yet at their core, they are very consequential.
It is up to us to make the choice. No-one else can choose for us. The choices we make flow onwards from that point in time to eternity. The choices we have to make must be wise and considered carefully. Never presumptuously jumped in to. Never pushed to one side.
Stop and think. Think well. By making wise and well thought out decisions we bring wa to our life. Wa is harmony. It is a smoothness to our existence. It calms us and moves us deep within. It gives us the character and hardiness to continue. It gives us what we need to face up to each day. One way we get wa is by making strong decisions based on reality. It gives us strength.
Be nice to everyone you meet. Treat each person as if they were holy.

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