Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Black Hawk down

Well I certainly had myself an interesting day today.

I was minding my own business driving down the highway when there was this almighty roar and rumble from above. I looked out of my window in time to see six Black Hawk army helicopters sweeping through the sky at a very low level. They are awesome machines, and to see them so low and so close was quite impressive. I found out later that the Special Forces are doing a training exercise at the moment around the city. Urban ops was the order of the day.

Then later I arrive back at the office and swing into the driveway, and who should be there crouching down picking up the pieces or a dropped cellphone? Rove McManus! Hard case. We share our building and carpark with Rove's offices. We are at one end and they are at the other. I have been there for just over three months and finally I have seen him. Lucky I didn't run him over!

And then, at 4.29pm there was an earthquake!

Melbourne - the city that keeps on giving.

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