Tonight (Saturday) daylight savings comes into effect here in Victoria. I can't remember what the date is that it changes in New Zealand, but here it is tonight. So if anyone calls or texts or whatever, remember that we are going BACK one hour so the time difference will now be three hours.
And for those who got my text about my amazing technicolour puke. I now present for you the full story, with pictures.
So on Thursday night after the meeting, Mrs B and I decided to sit down and have some watermelon and rockmelon. The watermelon we had in the fridge had already been attacked by us, so there was only a little wedge left. So we chopped this up along with the rockmelon and chowed down.
The rockmelon was yummy, as was most of the watermelon, but some of it tasted funny. Instead of being crisp it was a little bit softer than normal. Never mind, I finished it off. Mrs B had only rockmelon as she prefers that (weirdo). So there you have it.
About twenty minutes later. I sat bolt upright on the couch as my stomach started doing backflips. I knew that feeling. Hadn't had it for a long time. Tried my best to keep it down and get my mind on other things. But, much like the arrival of a baby, when the time comes, you have no control. I raced to the bathroom, got on my knees and puked and puked and puked. All watermelonish pink and mushy. Then it came to an end. Then I puked and puked some more.
On this second round, on one of the back arching hurls, my eyes felt like something had been injected into them and my vision went pink. Now I have heard that when snipers concentrate so long on a target before firing, they get 'the pink mist' from the pressure on their eye. I am no sniper, and the water and spew in the bottom of the toilet was a fairly easy target so I quickly discounted this as a cause.
However, when I had finished up and was checking for damage in the mirror, to my horror, by eyes were blood red. Not bloodshot, blood red. Like a zombie.
I was a little concerned, but not in pain, so like any kiwi bloke, I went to bed with out giving it another thought. The next morning, the blood had receded a lot. By mid morning it had disappeared behind my eyelids. By the end of the day, it looked thus:
Hmm. Yes. And so ends my adventures. I guess I will have to be more careful with my watermelon next time!