We helped the Reynolds with phase one of their move last night after work. They have got the keys to the house they bought, so it is all on. The pro movers are coming today with the big truck to move the big stuff. Their new house is great. Lots of potential and heaps of space. We thought they would be wrecked from all the stress of moving so we have invited them over for dinner. It will be nice to have the first proper catch up since we got our own house.
The bushfire crisis continues to go on, coming up to 4 weeks now. This past week, the smoke has been blowing towards the city. To give you an idea of how bad it has been getting, here is a picture I took out the window of the car as I was coming off the Westgate Bridge last week. Normally this is my favourite part of the drive as I am presented with a beautiful clear vista of the city on one side and the gorgeous harbour on the other. However as you can see here, it is all dark, gloomy and hazy:

You may remember that every now and then I mention Zoriah, a Photojournalist whose adventures I follow. He has just made a most interesting post on his blog about trying to getting over the Gaza / Egypt border. He has a honest and up front style of writing which I really enjoy reading, and he goes to some pretty amazing (and scary) places around the world. Check out his writing and photography work here: http://www.zoriah.net/
Again you might remember a while back that I mentioned I am putting together a photofolio called Skies of Australia. Well, with all the bushfires going on, there has been some amazing skies above us of late. Here are a couple that I have been able to capture. Don't forget that I am only taking these on my Blackberry, so they are are not as good as they could be:

Well, a masssive feed of bacon, eggs, rockmelon, Samoan bread (thanks Lalongo!) and coffee has materialised on the table, so I must be off to fill my belly!
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