Thursday, January 01, 2009

In case you were wondering.....

Our new house flippin' ROCKS.

We love it so much! It is a little bit empty here and there, but we are slowly filling it up. The furniture has been delivered and we are now looking around for all those little things that you forget about - like toilet brushes and coffee plungers. All the important stuff!

In line with the big move to our first house in Australia, I now present for your viewing pleasure, Vanderbilt Drive - The Movie:

Hopefully that will give you some idea of what it is like. I took it before the furniture arrived so thats why it looks so empty. The video is 9.5MB so it may take a while to load. Remember, the best way is to press Play, let it start for a second, then press Pause. Let it load up then press Play again. This way you will avoid it playing all jumpy and stoppy starty.

Today is January the 1st 2009. Another year begins! It seems like not that long ago we were facing 2008. I guess looking back, 2008 was a year that we could have happily bypassed had we known all the crap that was going to turn up. I guess now we are through all of that we can look back and make ourselves stronger. We got through some tough times with the help of the Big Guy, our family and our friends. May you all be blessed for whatever help you gave us, big or small. Many of you may not even know how much you helped us. Sometimes just a kind word or a pat on the back was all we needed to get through. Thank you all.

To everyone, take care, hug your loved ones and don't ever stop being thankful for each day we have.

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