As you know Mrs B and I went over to Whangamata for our last hurrah with Grom and Kim. It was a cracker of a weekend. Not only was the weather magic, but we had a nice surprise when Joshie and Colleen turned up on Saturday afternoon. Man it was so great to have everyone altogether in the one place. Sweet.

The weekend was pretty much full of food, wine, spirits, cricket on the beach and doing crosswords in the sun. What a perfect way to say goodbye to our friends. Friends we will miss terribly, but whom we know we will see again soon and pick up right where we left off. That is the mark of true friends, when you can not see each other for a long time and, when you do meet up, its like the time gap never happened.
After we dragged ourselves away on Monday morning, we had to head over to Auckland to do Mrs B's medical check for her Aussie visa. We got mucked around a bit at CityMed which was a bit annoying, but never mind. The stink thing was, we had no choice but to go to Auckland for the check. When you apply for an Aussie visa, you can't go to your GP for the check, you have to go to one of a panel of doctors appointed by the Consulate. Neat. Mrs B said she felt a bit like she was "just another number" to the doc who was trying to process her as quick as possible. Lovely. Oh yeah and for the half an hour we were there, it cost $230. Not a bad hourly rate methinks. I am in the wrong job.
Anyhoo, it has to be done. Once the check has been signed off (we just have to wait two to three days for the blood test results) they will send it to the Consulate and hopefully that will be that. Then we will be free to GTHOOH.

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