Friday, September 12, 2008

At last, the end of the week!

Man, I am so over this week! So sick of the rain and the mucky grey clouds on the horizon. Bring on the fine weather I say.

Got a cruisy weeked ahead. Gonna head out in the FS tomorrow morning, chill out in the afternoon and then have dinner with the Pagets. We haven't caught up with them since we left Oz so it will be good to have a chinwag.

As you know, I like to frequent the hilarious pictures and videos at . The other day they had a classic video on there called "The Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy". I tell you, it has been quite some time since I laughed so hysterically. This lady is dead serious, but SO DUMB. You have to see it to believe it! Here it is:

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

Have a nice weekend!

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