Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Twittering away...

One of the latest internet fads is a little thing called Twitter. You may have heard of it. It is a little gizmo that lets you update everyone with mini updates as you move about your day. Being a geek, I have of course signed up. It is a bit like a mini blog that you can update via the web or from your mobile phone. I haven't got it set up on my phone yet, but all in good time.

On the right hand side of the page here is the little widget and you can see my updates from here and there.

We went up to a place called Upper Yarra Reservoir on Saturday. What a flippin' beautiful place. There was absolutely no-one else there and it was literally in the middle of nowhere. The reservoir is one of a network of dams that feed water into the city for us to drink.

Here are a couple of pics, e.mail me if you want the link to the rest of them:

And just to show how bad the water situation is here right now, this dam is at 38% capacity. The clay coloured area between the water and the trees is where the water normally covers. Yikes!

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