The weather has been just marvellous since we got here. There has only been a slight bit of rain. They do really need rain here at the moment, it is so dry everywhere. Maybe they could borrow some of the rain from New Zealand!
Tuesday was a public holiday (Melbourne Cup Day of course!) so the Reynolds and us decided to head out for a bit of a drive and a look-see around the place. We drove out to Bacchus Marsh and spent the morning strawberry picking which was great fun. Crouching in the blazing sun going "one for me, one for the basket" was neat. They were $9 per kg and the packs we had held 2 kgs. We managed to fill in two packs. We gorged on them for the rest of the day.

When we had finished strawberry picking we then went to Lederderg Gorge and went for a bushwalk. It was very dry and aris, but nice and cool when we went through patches of trees. Eventually we got to our goal of Grahams Dam where there is a swimming hole. The girls all jumped in for a splash around. For a while we had the place to ourselves and it was lovely. The quiet silence of the bush, the warm heat of the sun and coolness of the water was great. It is a great spot and will be on the list of places to take our friends when they come to visit.

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